baru-baru ni mama tlh kn tag dgn k wan faiziah...k wan n satu sekolah dulu, senior dan satu batch masa kat USM kubang kerian..alhamdulillah skrg tgh wat master in pathology kat HUSM..bila la mama nk sambung master jugak ni.. huhuuu
hrp2 k wan puas hati dgn jawapan ni..letih nk mikir kan jawapan soalan2 cepu mas nih
1) What is the most important thing in your life?
A : family
2) What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
A : ntah la dah lupa sbb skrg semua duit org heheee.
3) Where do you wish to get married?
A : dulu berangan ala-ala garden wedding..mmmm.akhirnya kt rmh jgk..
4) How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
A: forever
5) Are you in love?
A : Yes!
6) Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
A : Kurdistan. dah tukar owner la ni..harga pun dah naik sikit.
7) Name the latest book that you bought?
A: Harry Porter -and half blood prince tapi belum baca lagi la..
8)What is your full name?
A : sudah tau kan..
9) Do you prefer your mother or father?
A :both
10) Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.
A: Anwar Ibrahim
11) Christina or Britney?
A : neither of them
12) Do you do your own laundry?
A : most of the time,,selalu pun papa basuh..hehee .
13) The most exciting place you want to go?
A: Paris-Disneyland( after Mecca of course)
14) Hugs or kisses?
A; hugs
15) Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.
A : beautiful, charming, genius, ibu mithali, admirable
16)8 things I am passionate about:
A: 1. fashion, food, novels, .perfumes, fridge magnet(klakar plk heheee), internet(tp slalu kn kacau),money, cars
17)8 things I say too often:
A: Ya Allah,muizz, adik,abe,papa,ok la,dah la,mmmmm,
18)4 books I’ve read recently:
A:The boy named It, The lost boy,The man named Dave- all by David Pelzer- interesting true story about himself and The Girls by Lori Hansen- this book is about a siamese twins, tak best sgt tapi ok lh..ala-ala biography walaupun actually it was all fiction
19)8 songs I could listen to over and over again:
A : incy wincey spider,5 little ducks,bing-bang(lazytown),lazytown theme song, 5 little monkeys,
Home-Michael Bubbly,Daddys Gone-Glasvegas
20)8 things I learned last year:
-belajar bersyukur dgn apa yg ada
-belajar jadi ibu yg sabar
-belajar jadi surirumah-uihh kerja berat nih!!!
-belajar masak masakan yang tak pernah masak seumur hidup hehehe
-belajar hidup jauh dr keluarga
-belajar jimat cermat
-belajar lebih byk ttg internet
-belajar bhw tak semua org jujur dan ada yg suka ambil kesempatan....
dan baru2 nih juga mama dpt tau ada k kin yg satu batch dgn kami pun ada kat Ireland.Tak sangka la pula..dpt plk award dr k kin w/pun baru jumpa di alam maya thanks a lot!
Nasi & Kuah : Butang & Tembakau
Kali ini admin ingin membongkar satu kisah yang sangat berkait rapat dengan
permasalahan yang sedang admin alami sekarang..
Ini merupakan pengakuan EXCL...
10 years ago
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